• 被遗忘的军队-阿扎迪·克丽耶



      The story begins in 1996 when Colonel Sodhi, now 70, visits his sister and her family. However, even after over half a century, the nightmares of his intense battle and its aftermath often return to haunt him. Old Sodhi and young Amar begin to bond and Sodhi accompanies Amar to Burma (Myanmar) for an assignment from BBC to shoot a documentary on the students against the Military Junta for freedom and democracy. In Singapore, Sodhi visits the places which bring back the memories of him as a Lieutenant in the British Indian Army Lt. Sodhi meets a beautiful photographer Maya who inspires him to change. Sodhi falls in love with Maya who joins the Indian National Army. Old Sodhi lands in Burma with Amar, and is welcomed by an Indian girl Rani. They accidentally get caught in the student protest and firing by the Military Junta to suppress the student agitation. When the soldiers of the Military Junta get rough and violent with Amar and Rani, old Sodhi is suddenly transformed into the young Lt.Sodhi and kills the two Burmese soldiers to defend his group.Old Sodhi and his group's escape from the Burmese soldiers runs parallel to the attack by the British bombers on Lt.Sodhi's unit. In 1944, the Indian National Army, tired, hungry, cold, feverish, sick had reached Imphal to defend it against all the odds piled heavily against them. In a school set up by Rani's grandmother, Old Sodhi finds the photograph of Maya and realizes that Maya has been dead. Old Sodhi, finally redeems himself by helping his young group safely cross over from Burma into India, and keep his promise to Maya that he would one day return to Burma to find her and be with her when his body is blown by the Burmese soldiers to ashes and glory.

  • 嚎笑捉鬼队



      A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung division was obliged to agree to accept Because the superiors are superiors Submitting an ultimatum in this work, with the young man Bum Geum stalking the servants in the house of Mom Bang, who is a resident of that area. Volunteer to be a helper and guide Give to travel willingly Because wanting to go back to the young woman who once secretly loves Eh Eung A journey to find out the truth in a strange case that occurred at seven dogs in a small village. It looks quiet from the outside. But the atmosphere at night returned to be lonely, too scary to say And both meet with Luang Phi Kaew, a senior monk who secretly has many good things concealed within the 3 people Began to join forces to find out exactly what exactly happened here. By beginning by going to E-hung's house to inquire about various matters That occurred within the village. Including the rumors that people accuse Lee Woong of being ghouls, even though he deeply regrets that the person that Lee Woong has chosen to live with is Geum's childhood friend Bak, but the return Come to the field of howling dogs this time He secretly hoped to reconnect with the girl who secretly loved better. Because there is news that Bugs mid died in government service While investigating the truth about the case, Luang Phi Kheo, Moonsatorn and Bakkum are faced with many problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and their reliant on Tek Tek. With horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, probably have to come and see what Luang Phi Kaew will have to use to defeat ghosts And will the lieutenant and our assistant captain survive? With all the problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and his reliant on Tek, along with the horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, they must Come to hope that Luang Phi Kaew will have something good to use to defeat ghosts And can the lieutenant and our assistant lieutenants survive?

  • 她/她第二季



      In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting lives of a dozen characters and offers a new look on the world of lesbians in Quebec.  “As a fresco representing different women – 18 to 42 years old – each episode explores the life of one before reuniting them. It’s a little bit of a tribute, a portrait, and a wink to each woman. This is a series about love between women. Life on a daily basis, a 10- minute capsule, times 8. I hope that in these women, many will see their own realities, whether homosexual or not”, says Chloé Robichaud.  Macha Limonchik and Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse join the cast composed of several talented actresses among which, Eve Duranceau, Noémie Yelle, Eliane Gagnon, Carla Turcotte, Julianne Côté, Émilie Leclerc-Côté, Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, Kimberly Laferriere and Marie-Evelyne Lessard. A few surprise guests also made memorable performances on some of the episodes.

  • 疯矿入侵



      Three best friends band together to defend their valuable mining company from monstrous aliens looking to plunder and exterminate.

  • 世界的边缘




  • 恋爱好滋味



      After her job and relationship implode on the same day, Sofia starts from scratch and meets a dashing Spanish chef who might be her missing ingredient.

  • 她/她第一季



      Follows the lives of women living in Montreal.

  • 尖叫天空




  • 梦魇2017



      A young man slowly loses himself more and more into a dream world and his own nightmares. But what if the dreams are real?

  • 追爱谎言




  • 鹰眼



      根据漫威漫画超级英雄鹰眼改编的剧集,围绕着年轻复仇者凯特·M·毕晓普的冒险故事,她在初代复仇者克林特·巴顿之后接替了这个身份。  前复仇者克林特·巴顿有一个看似简单的任务:回到家人身边过圣诞节。  可能完成吗?也许是在凯特·毕晓普(Kate Bishop)的帮助下吧。她是一名22岁的射手,梦想成为超级英雄。  眼看巴顿的往事已经搅得节日不得安宁,两人被迫合作。

  • 抢救足球危机




  • 史塔西喜剧



      Communist East Berlin, early 1980s: LUDGER is hired by the Stasi to infiltrate a subversive countercultural movement in the district of Prenzlauer Berg. After falling in love with the mysterious NATHALIE and sleeping with his first target, CORINNA, Ludger ends up living two lives – one as an underground poet and one as a Stasi agent – both of which eventually come back to haunt him 30 years later.

  • 世界末日2022




  • 嘻哈胡桃夹子



      Run-D.M.C.'s Rev Run brings us along for a hip-hop reimagining of The Nutcracker ballet set in New York City. It's the night of the annual New Year's Eve block party and Maria-Clara's (Caché Melvin) mom and pop (Allison Holker Boss and Stephen "tWitch' Boss) aren't getting along... and it's bringing her down. Maria-Clara embarks on a holiday adventure to bring her parents back together, finding help along the way from the magical toymaker, Drosselmeyer (Comfort Fedoke), and the Nutcracker (Du-Shant "Fik-shun" Stegall) whom she brings to life. Maria-Clara's journey takes her from the streets of New York to fantasy worlds where she battles with mice and toy soldiers (Viktor White, BDash, Kevin "Konkrete" Davis"), and back in time to the Land of Sweets in order to find the key to unlock her holiday wish. Will it be enough to rekindle her parents' lost love before the clock strikes midnight? The special features best-in-class dancers Mikhail Baryshnikov, Tiler Peck, KidaTheGreat AKA Kida Burns, the Jabbawockeez as magical snowflakes, and more.

  • 2012英语



      太阳活动异常,地球内部的能量平衡系统面临崩溃,玛雅人的预言即将实现,人类将遭遇灭顶之灾。各国政府已经联手开始秘密制造方舟,希望能躲过这一浩劫。以写科幻小说谋生的杰克逊(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)在带孩子们到黄石公园渡周末时发生一连串怪事,而且遇到了神经兮兮的查理(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),查理告诉他世界末日即将来临。伴随着火山爆发,强烈地震以及海啸,杰克逊带领自己的家人驾驶一架临时租来的飞机冲出被死神阴霾瞬间笼罩的城市上空,开始寻找查理口中各国政府正在联合秘密制造的方舟。在生死攸关的时刻,一些伟大的鬼魂将脱颖而出,而一些自私的心灵将无所遁形,当千千万万个生灵通过各种方法来到方舟制造基地之时,方舟有限的容纳数量引发前所未有的恐慌。最终,仅存的人们用互爱和对生命的尊重渡过了难关。  本片被称为《后天》的升级版,投资超过2亿美元,是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)的最新力作。

  • 2012国语



      太阳活动异常,地球内部的能量平衡系统面临崩溃,玛雅人的预言即将实现,人类将遭遇灭顶之灾。各国政府已经联手开始秘密制造方舟,希望能躲过这一浩劫。以写科幻小说谋生的杰克逊(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)在带孩子们到黄石公园渡周末时发生一连串怪事,而且遇到了神经兮兮的查理(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),查理告诉他世界末日即将来临。伴随着火山爆发,强烈地震以及海啸,杰克逊带领自己的家人驾驶一架临时租来的飞机冲出被死神阴霾瞬间笼罩的城市上空,开始寻找查理口中各国政府正在联合秘密制造的方舟。在生死攸关的时刻,一些伟大的鬼魂将脱颖而出,而一些自私的心灵将无所遁形,当千千万万个生灵通过各种方法来到方舟制造基地之时,方舟有限的容纳数量引发前所未有的恐慌。最终,仅存的人们用互爱和对生命的尊重渡过了难关。  本片被称为《后天》的升级版,投资超过2亿美元,是灾难片大师罗兰·艾默里奇(Roland Emmerich)的最新力作。

  • 朋克经纪人



      Danny Says is a documentary on the life and times of Danny Fields. Since 1966, Danny Fields has played a pivotal role in music and "culture" of the late 20th century: working for the Doors, Cream, Lou Reed, Nico, Judy Collins and managing groundbreaking artists like the Stooges, the MC5 and the Ramones. Danny Says follows Fields from Phi Beta Kappa whiz-kid, to Harvard Law dropout, to the Warhol Silver Factory, to Director of Publicity at Elektra Records, to "punk pioneer" and beyond. Danny's taste and opinion, once deemed defiant and radical, has turned out to have been prescient. Danny Says is a story of marginal turning mainstream, avant garde turning prophetic, as Fields looks to the next generation.

  • 恐惧2009



      厌倦了无聊的学业,奎德(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans 饰)、斯蒂芬·格雷斯(杰克逊·拉斯波恩 Jackson Rathbone 饰)及其女友谢丽尔·弗洛姆(汉娜·斯蒂恩 Hanne Steen 饰)合作进行一项探寻人类恐怖之源的研究。他们采访应征者,请他们讲述各自心中最恐惧的事情。与此同时,这三个人慢慢讲述了各自的心结。斯蒂芬的哥哥死于车祸,因此他对汽车和死亡有着天然的恐惧;谢丽尔的父亲在屠宰场工作,致使她对肉类心生抵触;奎德则在6岁时目睹了父母被破门而入的男子杀害的惨状,血腥的阴影时刻笼罩心头。  他们的研究逐渐接近尾声,但是奎德的情绪却变得越来越不稳定,他最终走向崩溃的边缘……

  • 浴血野球场




  • 威龙猛探



      当夜色笼罩纽约,这里又变成了一座犯罪猖獗的城市。华人警察黄比利(成龙 饰)和同事来到酒吧庆祝来美十周年,不料同事却被一群闯入的劫匪杀死,愤怒的比利将凶手正法,因此激怒了上司,被惩罚性质的派到大亨沙比路的时装展上维持治安,表演期间,沙比路的女儿罗娜被一群人劫走,而沙比路的保镖宾尼事发前曾向香港打过多个电话,种种迹象表明,沙比路和香港头号毒枭高伟洛(乔宏 饰)有过合作,而二人产生争执可能导致这次的绑架。比利和搭档丹尼(丹尼·埃洛 Danny Aiello 饰)前往香港,在这里找到了高伟洛昔日两名合作伙伴李兴以及何天的女儿何美芳(叶倩文 饰),希望对方能够提供线索。高伟洛迅速派人追杀比利和丹尼,以及昔日的合作伙伴。比利冲破重重阻碍,查清了高伟洛的巢穴,带领搭档向高发起了猛攻……

  • 堕落街1981



      本片背景为20世纪70年代的德国,讲述了一名14岁的少女从吸毒到卖淫,一步步走向堕落的故事。  未满14岁的克里斯蒂安娜(娜娅·布鲁克霍斯特 Natja Brunckhorst 饰)来自一个离异家庭,她和母亲妹妹一同生活在西柏林一家公寓里。当时的年轻人都到当地一家迪斯科“Sound”里玩,在朋友的陪同下,未成年的她也进入了这个迷幻世界。在这里,她认识了少年德特勒夫和他的朋友们。夜里,他们一群人常常一起流连街头,渐渐地,她爱上了德特勒夫,还尝试和他一起吸食迷幻剂。为了搞到买毒品的钱,德特勒夫会到一个叫“动物园”的地方物色对象进行卖淫。克里斯蒂安娜一开始不愿意德特勒夫做这种事,后来她自己也开始注射毒品,也开始到“动物园”里来。少女克里斯蒂安娜,一步步走向迷幻堕落的深渊……  本片根据少女克里斯蒂安娜·F的亲身经历改编。

  • 消极思考的艺术



      在一场可怕的车祸中,盖尔(弗里奥乔夫·萨海姆 Fridtjov Såheim 饰)失去了双腿,人生才刚刚开始的他无法接受这一巨大的打击,在痛苦和愤怒之间,盖尔选择了自暴自弃。生活在盖尔的眼中再也没有一丝美好了,就连美丽善良的妻子英格丽(克丽斯蒂·埃琳娜·托霍格 Kirsti Eline Torhaug 饰)也无法将盖尔从绝望的深渊中拯救出来,在盖尔的内心里,只有一个念头,那就是一死了之。  上帝似乎还没有跟盖尔开够玩笑,无论盖尔做出怎样的尝试,最终都只能与死神擦肩而过。看着丈夫日渐堕落,焦急的英格丽使出了杀手锏,她将一个残疾人互助团体请到了家中,让盖尔没有想到的是,这一举动永远的改变了他此后的人生。

  • 微不足道2006



      博士查理(大卫•休默 David Schwimmer 饰)最近遇到了麻烦。不仅丢掉了大学里的工作,自己写的书也出版无望。为了不成为家里的负担,查理找到了份电话销售的工作,在那里认识了自来熟的同事加斯(西蒙•佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)。加斯告诉了查理他的计划,即敲诈一位经常浏览色情网站的牧师。为了让家人过上富足的生活,查理答应加入,再加上加斯一夜情的女友朱茜(爱丽丝•伊芙 Alice Eve 饰),三人开始了这个计划。  看似简单的计划,却弄巧成拙的愈发偏离最初的目的。越来越多的人被卷进其中,事情越弄越大。而且,糟糕的是,查理发现加斯和朱茜的背后似乎掩藏着不可告人的秘密,危险也在逐步逼近查理,究竟结局会怎样……

  • 老少名侦探




  • 雪山惊魂



      大雪纷飞的群山中,一个少年踉跄倒地,被大雪所掩埋……挪威是冰雪运动的天堂,尽管野外失踪事件层出不穷,也阻止不了人们前往雪山的热情。让尼卡(英格丽德·波尔索·贝达尔 Ingrid Bolsø Berdal 饰)、艾瑞克、莫腾(罗尔夫·克里斯蒂安·拉森 Rolf Kristian Larsen 饰)等五个好友前往荒僻的雪山滑雪,岂料莫腾不慎跌倒骨折,五人只得找到山上一处废弃的旅馆暂时休整,等待明日下山送莫腾就医。曾经失火的旅馆因他们的到来恢复了一些生气,然而同时醒来的,还有一个潜伏在暗中的杀人狂魔……杀人狂令五个好友遭遇了一场噩梦,而他如此凶残,皆因一段不堪回首的惨痛经历……

  • 基督诞生记2006



      奇迹的诞生  残暴希律王统治下的王国,在拿撒勒一个贫穷的小村里,为了稳定的生活,十来岁的玛丽被父母许配给了素不相识的木匠约瑟夫,她并不知道,自己的命运将充满不凡。一天,报喜天使加布里埃尔现身玛丽跟前,告诉玛丽她已被上帝选中孕育圣子耶稣,耶稣将成为救世主基督,犹太人深信的弥赛亚。  尽管充满彷徨,玛丽还是坚定地接受了使命。然而,很快无法再隐瞒怀孕的她,不仅被族人藐视,无法面对未婚夫和父母,更可能按摩西律法处以死刑。幸而天使加布里埃尔再现约瑟夫梦中,证实了玛丽看似荒谬的故事,善良的约瑟夫不管旁人闲言碎语,勇敢地站在了玛丽的身边给予支持。救世主即将诞生的预言在耶律撒冷传开,善疑的希律王感到了前所未有的威胁,他下令让所有人返回故乡进行人口登记,以便找出预言中的弥赛亚。  约瑟夫被迫遣返伯利恒,而玛丽决定随行。漫长超过110英里的路程里,他们不仅要穿越危险的山域,趟过湍急的河流,还要通过贫瘠的沙漠,艰险异常。虽然有惊无险地通过了希律王士兵的岗哨,但到达伯利恒时,快临产的玛丽却找不到旅店,最后全靠好心的牧羊人借出马厩,就在这里,耶稣诞生!那一刻,九颗行星排成一线,最闪亮的星光在天空闪现。希律王下令屠杀两岁以下的所有男孩,然而在天使的警告下,小耶稣和父母适时逃往了埃及……

  • 生于七月四日



      朗(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom 饰)自幼就是一个争强好胜的男孩,向往男子汉的生活。年轻的朗被总统那潘那番充满煽动性的越战演说彻底征服,一种挑战和为国牺牲的冲动在朗的内心渐渐滋长。一次摔跤比赛的失利,令一向要强的他毅然告别了恋人唐娜和大学生活,踏上了从军参战之路。  然而,来到了越南的朗并没有在这里找到向往已久的英雄气概,反而目睹一出出反人类的悲剧。朗的好友威尔逊也在一次混战中死于朗的子弹,不久,朗中弹瘫痪被送回了美国。  坐在轮椅上的朗仍然坚持着对美国发动的战争的信仰,但女友唐娜重遇了朗之后,痛心的认为朗的悲剧都是战争的错。噩梦缠绕着朗,朗去拜祭了战友威尔逊,反战呼声中,朗终于觉醒。

  • 美国斗士



    女主JoJo Raines在镇上过着毫无前途可言的生活,平时她和朋友一起游荡,以及找架打来发泄满腔的沮丧。直到某天她惹错了人并被判社会服务令,JoJo来到退伍军人康复医院时认识了位受伤的战士,对方向她传授了综合格斗;而经过训练后,曾经气盛的女主开始找到自己的目标,使得她不再走在自毁的路上。

  • 永舞止尽



      如果一个舞蹈没有被跳出来,它就会消失。电影跟随一群纽约市的顶级现代舞者,记录了他们重建传奇的Merce Cunningham非常标志性和神秘性的作品,揭示了当今舞蹈界面临的最紧迫问题之一:我们如何防止杰作随着时间流失而消失?




