• 灵欲春宵



      乔治(理查德·伯顿 Richard Burton 饰)是一名历史系的教授,而他的妻子玛莎(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)则是校长的女儿,两人结婚多年,感情早已经由浓转淡。不仅如此,身份上的不平等亦为这段婚姻埋下了重重的隐患。  某夜,两人参加完派对后返回家中,疲惫不堪的乔治得知伊丽莎白竟然在完全不告知自己的情况下邀请了年轻的夫妻尼克(乔治·席格 George Segal 饰)和哈尼(桑迪·丹尼斯 Sandy Dennis 饰)前来做客。虽然心中有诸多的不满,但乔治还是习惯性的将它们压抑在了心底。年轻而又英俊的尼克吸引了玛莎的注意,看着妻子向尼克大献殷勤,乔治的心中很不是滋味,一场暴风雨正在酝酿之中。

  • 红鞋男子




  • 贺根森林战役



      这部由HBO自制的电影是「汉堡高地」导演约翰艾文的又一战争写实影片,背景设在第二次世界大战,血腥的贺根森林之役。在整排的袍泽被敌人歼灭后,唯一幸存的二等兵大卫曼宁(朗爱德 饰,「彗星撞地球」、「豪情四兄弟」)被升为士官,由于承受不了带领新兵的压力,曼宁以精神不适任的理由申请退役,然而曼宁的指挥官(马丁唐纳文 饰,「她和他和他们之间」)却向他提出条件只要带兵攻下一座德军的哨站,他就将曼宁的退役申请呈报上去。但在残酷无情的战争中,重要的并非胜利,而是如何自战场上生还。当提起第二次世界大战的史诗电影时,「拯救雷恩大兵」及「红色警戒」或许已抢尽锋芒,但该片绝对是一部不容错过且毫不逊色的最佳战争写实电影

  • 同床异梦1965



      Carter meets Toni and impulsively marry him to find that they disagree on everything. They separate and seven years later on the eve before their divorce they meet again and spend the night together.

  • 长夜绵绵



      Akerman's Toute une nuit is a collection of vignettes depicting the fancies and dramatic moments of a number of people throughout one summer night. The film has little dialogue and relies on a remarkable series of contrasts for effect: a sultry night of deep, often painful depictions of passion visualized in a stark and grainy manner against the backdrop of a spiritless, bland Brussels.  被认为是仅次于让娜 迪尔曼的该导演另一部杰作

  • 大泽之水



      This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film has certain beauties and pleasures. Part of it was shot in Georgia's Okefenokee swamp, and the treatment of the small community living ~Censored~ is often pungent and distinctive.

  • 天蝎星升起



      肯定斯•安格的《天蝎星升起》(Scorpio Rising,1963)。安格将摩托车文化结合于同性爱欲、妖魔鬼怪、死亡意向,以及大众媒体所激发的欲望。他借着经过安排的场面、随意拍摄的记录镜头,以及采自漫画、电影和神秘传统的影像,营造出一种气势强烈的蒙太奇。除此之外,片中每一个片段都配上一首摇滚乐,也预示着音乐录影带结构的来临。

  • 沉默的海湾




  • 煤气灯下



      Twenty years ago, old Mrs. Barlow was killed in her home at 12, Pimlico Square for her priceless rubies. The murderer searched the whole house without finding them, then disappeared. The house has been empty since then, but now Paul and Bella Mallen move into the apartment. Bella Mallen suffers from forgetfulness and nervousness - at least that is what her husband tells her. An elderly horse wrangler, B.G. Rough worked as a policeman twenty years ago and still remembers the unsolved case. He notices that Mr. Mallen looks just like Louis Barre, Mrs. Barlow's nephew. And why does Mr. Mallen so mysteriously leave every night just to go into the apartment next door, nr. 14?

  • 第二生命1966



      Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. After undergoing physical reconstruction surgery and months of training and psychotherapy, Hamilton returns to the world in the form of artist Tony Wilson. He has a nice house in Malibu and a manservant, a company employee who is there to assist him with his adjustment. He finds that the life he had hoped for isn't quite what he expected and asks the company to go through the process with surprising results. Written by garykmcd

  • 索尼娅与公牛



      A comedy about two people with different world-views, from different places, whose fate, with the help from a bull Garonja (a name given to the black bulls in villages of Croatia), intertwine. Ante (Goran Bogdan) is a peasant from Dalmatian hinterland, a son of an bull fights organizer, and skilled insurance salesman. He is known by his powers of persuasion. At the voting for the Law for animal protection, biggest controversy is considering bull fights. Sonja (Judita Frankovic) is from Zagreb, an inveterate activist fighting for animal rights. In Dalmatian hinterland nobody can understand her attitude. They conclude that Sonja, regardless of the declared intense love of animals, would not dare stand in front of a bull. About Sonja and Anthony , the central pair who in his romantic comedy game going a little farther - a little back, a series of actions is carried out in the style of a wild untamed satire at the expense of local "yellow" media and important institutions such as the ...

  • 布朗克斯的故事1993



      1960年代,纽约意大利人集结的布朗克斯区。黑帮老大辛尼(查兹·帕尔明特瑞 Chazz Palminteri饰)是当地赫赫有名的帮会人物。在一宗凶杀案现场,九岁的男孩安奴(弗朗西斯·卡普拉 Francis Capra饰)目睹了这一切。为了街区的名誉,安奴拒绝供出凶手就是辛尼,此事促使他俩展开一段俨如父子般的忘年友情。然而安奴的父亲罗兰逊(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro饰)对此却并不赞成,唯恐儿子误入歧途。八年后,十七岁的安奴(李洛·布兰卡托 Lillo Brancato饰)已经成长为一名英俊少年。辛尼的势力正在逐渐扩大,安奴对辛尼愈发崇拜,对黑帮生活也更加向往。诚实正直的罗兰逊对儿子的忧虑越来越重。  由奥斯卡影帝罗伯特·德尼罗执导的电影处女作《布朗克斯的故事》,入围1993年第50届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖。

  • 普里斯特法官



      Judge William "Billy" Priest lives in a very patriotic (Confederate) southern town. Priest plays a laid-back, widowed judge who helps uphold the law in his toughest court case yet. In the meantime, he plays matchmaker for his young nephew.

  • 暴风雨中的孤儿



      Henriette and Louise, a foundling, are raised together as sisters. When Louise goes blind, Henriette swears to take care of her forever. They go to Paris to see if Louise's blindness can be cured, but are separated when an aristocrat lusts after Henriette and abducts her. Only Chevalier de Vaudrey is kind to her, and they fall in love. The French Revolution replaces the corrupt Aristocracy with the equally corrupt Robespierre. De Vaudrey, who has always been good to peasants, is condemned to death for being an aristocrat, and Henriette for harboring him. Will revolutionary hero Danton, the only voice for mercy in the new regime, be able to save them from the guillotine?

  • 在黑暗中回家




  • 博斯第六季



      Harry Bosch终于得知母亲遇害案背后的真相,可怕的事实让他出离愤怒。在百孔千疮的司法系统中,他要如何寻求正义?如何保持自己的正直和诚实?本季Bosch将调查一名无家可归的退伍老兵的谋杀案、一个连环谋杀案嫌疑人的自杀案和一个好莱坞导演的高调谋杀审判。在此过程中,Bosch meijubar.net将面对各种各样冷血无情的对手,他们只有一个共同目标——彻底毁掉他。Jeffrey Pierce将扮演性格脆弱的Trevor Dobbs,虽然他已经离开了军队,但军队却没有离开他。他曾在一支组织严密的特种部队中担任中尉军官,远赴伊拉克的安瓦尔省执行任务。Christopher Backus扮演前特种部队士兵Woody Woodrell,如今在一家私人保安公司工作。Linda Park扮演小学老师Jun Park,她还是「市长危机应对小组」的一名成员。该小组是洛杉矶独有的一个组织,一批志愿者接受专门训练后将协助洛杉矶警署处理自杀和谋杀现场的紧急情况。他们的主要工作包括安抚死者家属的情绪,代表警方与这些家属进行沟通,在家属、警方、法医和其他相关机构之间进行协调。Arnold Vosloo扮演前警察Rafael “Rudy” Tafero,如今是Andre Holland的保安主管。他和Bosch形同水火,甚至会在一起案件中制造假证据来陷害Bosch。

  • 德性第一季



      With no immediate family to live for, Joseph is haunted by a past he has tried, for decades, to forget - if not actively obscure with drink and drugs. Suffering the hangover from hell - the dry spell over - he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront hazy, fear-inducing memories from a childhood spent in the care system that he's had to forget. Emotionally and physically wrecked, Joseph reunites with an incredulous Anna (Helen Behan, This is England '88 and '90), the sister he hasn't seen since childhood. Anna persuades her wary husband Michael (Frank Laverty; Michael Collins) to let Joseph stay and give him work in the family-owned building company. There, Joseph is forced to directly confront the demons of his past when he comes face to face with Craigy (Mark O'Halloran), a shadowy figure who is dogged by dark rumors, and who won't leave Joseph alone. Joseph's precarious family reunion is further complicated when he is immediately drawn to ...

  • 全美超模大赛第十三季



      新一季的全美超模大赛America's Next Top Model的选手和往年的有些不同,这一季的选手的身高平均都在1米71 (5 ft 7) 以下,所以这一季是制造卖点还是什么我们拭目以待!

  • 全美超模大赛第一季



      This show is quite possibly the biggest waste of videotape, electricity, and RF bandwidth in the 70+ year history of television. It's nothing but 60 minutes of some of the worst bile that can come out of human beings, male or female. Basically, it's nothing but pure bitchy, catty, c*nty, vile harpiness among the contestants, judges, and the fashionistas (or should I say fashionazis). Typically a lot of insulting, backbiting, and bitchy, unnecessarily anal-retentive criticism.  The thing that gets me about the show is how much the judges and fashionazis (and the pretentious & shallow fashion industry in general) nit-pick against the equally bitchy contestants about little, petty, trivial, frivolous, anal-retentive things about their appearance, personality, etc. Things that the *REAL* people in this world (which the fashion industry lacks, thankfully) wouldn't give rat's ass number 1 about. (Myself included.)  Crap like: "Oh, your left eyebrow is a yoctometer off center. That isn't gonna fly, and nobody will take you seriously in this industry because of it!" Or, "You're breathing wrong. Good luck with winning this competition." I'm just kidding here, but they usually end up saying things almost exactly like this on this show.  If getting into the fashion industry is this hard, painful, bitchy, insulting, nit-picky, catty, backstabbing, and anal-retentive as this show tries to portray, than thank the good Lord that He made me all fat, balding, hairy, and dumpy-frumpy-dowdy-frowsy-geeky-lookin', because I would never want to be required to have the caustic bitchiness and anal, pretentious attitude of any model or fashionazi (or any fashion industry worker), namely the people on this show.  And Janice Dickinson, mercy, do not get me started on her...  This show needs to die. It's this show (and many other "reality" shows like it) that proves that competitiveness (and the fashion industry) is truly the devil's tool...

  • 13 13: The Musical




  • 魔法圣婴



      一位面目丑陋不堪的老妇生下了一个相貌标致、拥有天使面孔的男婴。然而男婴的姐姐(朱丽娅·奥蒙德Julia Ormond饰)却声称孩子是自己的。处女生子的荒唐前提一旦成立,一连串不可思议的玄虚之事便相继发生,整个世界的秩序将不复存在。她先是宣称男婴为神之附体的圣婴,后是以圣母玛利亚自称,靠圣婴赚取钱财。当姐姐与主教的儿子(拉尔夫·费因斯Ralph Fiennes饰)相恋时,却遭到了圣婴的阻碍,主教的儿子惨死在牛角之下。  姐姐为了报复,杀死了圣婴,闻讯赶来的人们要求严惩这个触犯天条的女人,于是她被判处了死刑,由于当时法律规定,处女是不能处死的,所以教皇命令208名士兵强奸她。姐姐在强暴中死去,人们欢快地将圣婴肢解后分掉,希望可以得到圣婴的庇佑。

  • 蚂蚁农场



      Looking for a quiet escape a couple rent an isolated lakeside cabin on the anniversary of their daughter's death. They soon find themselves wrapped in a terrifying mystery when a strange woman appears and their every move seems to be monitored by a mysterious local sheriff.

  • 饭前祷告



      The teenage daughter (Holly Taylor) of a religious fanatic (Bruce Davison) attempts to escape her father's delusional suicide pact after three moxia.cc strangers break down near her family's remote rural compound.

  • 在越南最后的日子



      上映。故事讲述了越南战争的最后几天,北越军队节节胜利南越军队则面临崩溃,美国方面的只能面对这样的道德困境——到底是服从白宫的命令只带美国公民撤离,还是冒着被指控叛国罪的风险尽可能多的保留南越盟友的故事。  在越南战争的最后几天,北越军队节节胜利南越军队则面临崩溃,共产主义的胜利不可避免,美国方面的外交和军事人员接到指示准备撤退,然而他们也意识到,当他们离开后曾帮助并投靠他们的南越盟友将面临生命的威胁。此时他们只能面对这样的道德困境——到底是服从白宫的命令只带美国公民撤离,还是冒着被指控叛国罪的风险尽可能多的保留南越盟友。

  • 海军陆战队员



      伊拉克战场,美国海军陆战队员约翰•特里顿(约翰•塞那 John Cena 饰)为营救战友独闯虎穴,虽然他的营救成功,却因违抗总部的命令而被强制退伍。约翰解甲归田回到家乡,见到久违的妻子凯特(凯莉•卡尔森 饰)。不愿窝在家里的约翰找到一份保全工作,却在上班第一天就被炒掉鱿鱼。为了排解心中抑郁,夫妇俩相约驾车外出度假。  在一间加油站,他们遭遇珠宝大盗罗梅(罗伯特•帕特里克 Robert Patrick 饰)及其同伙。罗梅与路过的警察发生冲突,一番枪战过后,罗梅团伙成功逃跑,并劫持凯特为人质。突如其来的变故唤醒约翰的斗志,他开始独身一人追踪劫匪……  本片男主角John Cena是美国最大摔角组织WWE的摔角明星。

  • 针孔旅馆



      大卫(Luke Wilson 饰)与艾米(Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一对刚经历了丧子之痛的夫妻,为了纪念他们即将分解的婚姻,两人驾车行驶在茫茫夜色中,进行他们最后的分手旅行。为抄近路,大卫拐入了一条荒僻小路,然而行驶不久车子即宣告故障,一位子夜时分仍未眠去的年轻人出现帮助了他们,但问题仍未解决。大卫与艾米不得不步行到一家汽车旅馆休息。  旅馆内空无一人,值班室内传出令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声,值班员大咧咧的关闭了电视录像,将两人安排在一间拐角的房间,房间设施陈旧肮脏,大卫在翻看电视柜内遗留的录像带时发现内容尽是极其写实的血腥电影,然而更令人震惊的是电影内的场景分明就是他们入住的房间!这家旅馆无疑是杀害旅客制作录像带的变态乐园。于是清冷的夜里,夫妻俩唯一要面对的是自己的生存问题。

  • 塔尔



      影片讲述了世界著名音乐家莉迪亚·塔尔Lydia Tár(凯特·布兰切特 饰)的故事。距离录制交响乐仅有几天时间,这将使她达到她职业生涯的顶峰。Lydia Tár的六岁养女Petra非常聪明和迷人,在这里发挥了关键作用。当各种因素似乎对Lydia不利时,女儿成为挣扎中的母亲的重要精神支持。

  • 以高潮之名:OneTaste 的故事




  • 灵异妙探第四季




  • 权欲第二季



      The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business.




